Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Wednesday Evening

Well, for several reasons, we've headed down to our condo in Galveston. We have it on the market and when Ike was looking to hit closer to Corpus Christi as a Category 3, we thought it might be interesting to see and photograph. This is one of the few places i know that I would even think of weathering a hurricane in. We're on the 5th floor of a building that was built on top of the old ramparts of Fort Crockett. The base of the building sits up substantially over the seawall which is about 10 feet above sea level. It is a concrete, sturdy structure and is used by the City of Galveston as its emergency headquarters during hurricanes.

However, the news tonight seems to think that it is going to coming in quicker than expected and as a Category 4 and perhaps right over Galveston and Houston!

I am going to go ahead and post some of the things I've seen today, I'm already thinking that we may take sunrise pictures and perhaps head home . . .

1 comment:

mybillcrider said...

Good luck to you and Henry. We're right up the road in Alvin, hoping for the best!