Monday, May 14, 2007

Rocky Mountain National Park

We arrived at Rocky Mountain National Park this afternoon. It was cloudy when we came in, but the road (36) into Estes Park had beautiful wildflowers growing from the crevaces in the rock walls and in the soft dirt near the road. 36 is narrow and winding - no need to even think about trying to stop in the RV for photographs. My thought was that I bet some of these same flowers will be blooming in the park.

We got setled in our campsite inside the park - Morraine Park - where large numbers of elk hang out. I'm trying to be wise, we're tired, it is rainy, I've got a great view out my window. I should wait until in the morning to start my photography.

I can see the elk in the meadow and there were even one group that came in fairly close to the campground. I expect more to come through later. The lighting keeps changing.

It got very dark, and then the clouds above the mountains were a dark, dark gray, and then suddenly things brightened up and the sun came out briefly. Since it was trying to sprinkle on us, I kept looking for the rainbow. I told Henry, "If I see a rainbow, I'm outta here." But I don't have all my camera batteries charged, I don't have all the memory cards cleared off . . . I will have all day tomorrow, and Wednesday morning. And, we can come back after the Writer's Conference.

I can hear the wind rustling, almost roaring through the ponderosa pine branches. There is the hint of thunder.

Henry notes that a group of elk have come in even closer.

I hear the tiny chatter of a small bird in the distance. The motor home sways gentle in the breeze. The grazing elk - what a tranquil sight!

Even though it is cold outside, I want the window open. I want to hear the thunder, I want to savor the rushing wind as it caresses my face, I want to experience all the wonder of this time and place.

1 comment:

Katy said...

Ah, like the Texas weather, Colorado's weather is equally unpredictable!
I live just over an hour from Rocky Mountain National Park, and it is lovely. I've got some writing & pictures from a couple of weeks ago on my blog, if you're interested in taking a look.
Enjoy your RV travels!!!