Wednesday, June 28, 2006

The Baby Flamingos

One of my first stops was to check out the baby flamingos. I had never seen these before. I was most surprised when I saw one of these white fully creatures SWIM over the deeper water and then wade onto the bank. I am more familiar with herons, egrets, and cranes. They have wading feet with three large toes. I had always assumed that flamingos with their long legs were wading creatures. But after watching this swimming baby, I took note of the flamingo feet - they're WEBBED! Now I still believe flamingos spend more time wading than swimming with those incredibly long legs. But I think I'm going to do some research, because the babies certainly swim. Of course, early afternoon sun was too bright for great white fluffy flamingo baby shots.

After stopping for lunch, I was now going out to explore at the worst time of day for photography, a recipe for frustration. We headed for the primates. It was fun to watch the mom's and babies. But besides the lighting issues, glass and wire enclosures made photography futile.

One of my last stops when we left for the day was to check out the baby flamingos again. MUCH better lighting.

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