Monday, November 03, 2008


Tomorrow is Election Day here in the States. Regardless of who you are voting for, please search your heart, take time to cast your vote for the candidate that you think most represents what you believe should happen in the next four years.

Each one of us will have a different "agenda," different most important issues, different viewpoints based upon our life history.

I hope and pray that God is touching our hearts as we prepare to vote. I can't claim wisdom as to which candidates would be God's choices. But I do believe that God is still alive and active in the world. My prayer is that God guide our hearts and minds as we as a nation vote. When the results come in tomorrow night, I will pray that we as a country unite together and work together as a team to meet the challenges that our politicians will face the next four years. We have to move beyond the partisanship of an election year to find workable solutions for the current issues our country faces.

The right to vote has been won by many warrior's deaths and by courageous people who stood up for what they believed to be right. Go exercise that privilege tomorrow and appreciate the ones who have gone before that made it possible for you to have a voice in your government.

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