Saturday, January 14, 2006


I really love winter. I love snow and icicles and cold weather. I like walking in crunchy snow. I do NOT like walking on ice. There is a reason for this. One year when I was walking home from dinner with Thomas and Stephanie, I fell on a slippery porch on the east side of our River Mountain Condo. My head hit the brick floor with such a thud that the store worker in the stockroom came out to check on me. The kids insisted I go to the emergency room. No concussion, no problems the rest of the trip.

On another trip, Debra and I were walking in downtown Breckenridge - our last window shopping before leaving. My foot slipped out from underneath me and I landed on my back. When I got back to the condo garage, it was hurting bad enough, I started crying. Even though it was time to leave, we headed over to the emergency room. It was snowing out and I was the driver . . . .so he gave me one set of meds to take while driving and another one to take before I went to bed. By the next day it was much better.

On Thursday, we were headed over to a restaurant a couple of blocks from the condo. We've walked this stretch regularly the last few weeks. The parking lot looked like packed snow - which is pretty easy to walk in. The problem - underneath the two to three inches of snow was a layer of ice. When my foot started sliding, I tried to break my fall. But, of course, I landed flat on my back, shoulder hurting. Several people stopped to help, including a policeman. My first choice was to continue on to the restaurant, eat my lunch, and then go to the doctor.

The x-rays showed a possible tiny crack in my shoulder - the right arm just does not work very well. But at least I am not in pain, and each day it seems a little better. But, I suspect my skiing is over for this season.

Henry got me a pair of Yaktrax - like chains only for your shoes. I wore them for the first time today. Definitely better traction in the packed snow.

Do I still love a Colorado winter????? You betcha!

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