Friday, February 09, 2007

Wet, cold, miserable . . . . and loving every minute!

After almost two dry weeks, the rains have moved in. I had work on the computer this morning, so we did not get out until lunch time. My original plan was to head south into areas we have not visited this trip. But i remembered a place where there should be a waterfall that I thought was nearby.

Well, it turned out my memory was from the little road we took in Oregon, not near Crescent City. But my memory took us back on the road that is mentioned in Henry's blog. The first time we took this road, my eye was in the viewfinder or on the tree trunks trying to find compositions that would work as artistic blurs. And yes, I was encouraging Henry to go faster on this twisty turny road to try to make the blurs work. But today I was looking for that possible waterfall and marveling at the beauty of the trees in the fog and rain.This time I was seeing all sorts of photo opportunities. But I decided to go all the way to the end of the road enjoying the scenery and trying to figure out where to take my shots. My first plan was to drive back to the beginning of the road and come back for the most promising spots.

But as we drove down, I started seeing compositions. When I got out the first time, I was dubious. In the past, I've not had good luck taking photos of foggy forests. But today the light looked like it might cooperate. So I put on my sweatshirt. Henry handed me my "gimme" hat from NANPA. I hauled out the tripod and camera. I had to go back to get the little lens wipe as raindrops kept landing on the lens. And I started playing.

It was not pouring, but it was more than drizzle. While I did not feel that wet, I noticed that my camera had drops of water all over it. I've taken photos with another camera through rain, so I was not too worried. I got back in the car, a little frustrated by the wet. But we rounded another curve, and I was saying, "Stop!" again.

The fog was so pretty in the trees. Sometimes things "call out" to be photographed. This was one of those days. The images on the back of the camera were looking promising, but I don't trust them till I get back to the computer.

After the second or third stop, I was definitely wet, a little chilled . . . . not really miserable . . . . but rainy days are not my favorite for being out taking photos, especially when you can't keep the lens dry long enough to take your shot or to remember to check the polarizer position.

I thought I was wet enough and the camera was wet enough that I was "done" for the day. But one more shot "called." I took three series of shots at this location. This is the last set.

Somewhere during the afternoon, I realized that . . .yes, I'm wet, chilled . . . but I would not have wanted to be anywhere else today. It was an incredibly beautiful afternoon.

I've set up a webpage with some of the redwood forest shots from this trip.

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