We have gotten off on a short trip. House sitter in place to care for Gambler. We left Tuesday and spent the night in Columbus to be able to get to the Atwater Prairie Chicken National Wildlife Refuge early. We drove down Prairie Chicken lane but decided today it would be better named Bunny Rabbit Alley because we saw cottontails and jack rabbits everywhere.
Then we drove south to San Bernard NWR and from there to Brazoria NWR. My favorite birds of the day were the beautiful purple gallinule and the least bittern.
My next blog post will have photos of some of the birds we're seeing.
Here is my bird list for Wednesday:
Atwater Prairie Chicken NWR
Black bellied whistling duck
Turkey vulture
Black vulture
Crested caracara
Mourning doves
Northern bobwhite
Northern Mockingbird
Northern Cardinal
Great blue heron
Cattle egret
Snowy egret
White ibis
Red Wing blackbird
Non bird species
Jack rabbit
San Bernard NWR
Black necked stilt
Common gallinule (moorhen)
Purple gallinule (pair)
White ibis
Great egret
Little blue heron
Red wing blackbird
Laughing gull
Black bellied whistling duck
Neotropic cormorant
Turkey vulture
Purple Martin
Great tailed Grackle
Brazoria NWR
Scissor tail flycatcher
American avocet
White ibis
Roseate spoonbill
Least bittern
Great blue heron
Snowy egret
Great egret
Juvenile little blue heron
Juvenile black crowned night heron
Juvenile yellow crowned night heron
Redwing blackbird
Laughing gull
Mourning dove
Crested caracara
Mottled duck
Black bellied whistling duck
Black bellied whistling duck w/chicks
Fulvous whistling duck
Fulvous whistling duck w/chicks
Common gallinule with chicks
Tern (Foresters???)
Great tail grackle
Non bird species